There have been 2 deaths in India due to Corona virus. The first death took place in Kalburgi, Karnataka. The patient who returned to India from Saudi Arabia was 76 years old. According to a statement issued by the central government, this person who returned from Saudi Arabia had trouble breathing, cough and pneumonia. On March 06, a doctor treated him at his home.

But after a continuous deterioration of health, the patient was admitted to a private hospital in Kalburgi on 09 March. Initial hospital investigation found the patient suspicious of the corona virus. The Karnataka government said, "All the guidelines in this case were completely followed. The patient has been kept separate from others, and in the past people who came in contact with him are trying to find them all. This patient also went to a private hospital in Telangana, so Telangana government has also been informed."

The family members of this patient are being accused of arbitrariness. On this death, the matter of non-acceptance of governmental advice of family members is also coming out. The government says that on the 9th, a sample of the patient's sputum was sent to a lab in Bangalore. But before the results of the investigation came against the advice of Kalburgi Hospital, his family members admitted him to a private hospital in Hyderabad.

Kalburgi district deputy commissioner spoke to the patient's family and tried to convince the patient to be admitted to the GIMS Hospital (Gulbarga Institute of Medical Science & Hospital) for treatment. Where Isolation Ward is designed to keep corona virus infected patients. But family members do not agree. After the refusal of the family, his treatment continued in Hyderabad. On March 10, the family members agreed to come to the GIMS hospital, but patient died on the way to the hospital.

The patient had some other trouble also, although the officials also say that it cannot be said clearly that the patient died due to COVID-19 i.e. Corona virus, because the patient had others health problems too.

Post-Mortem is usually done to find out the cause of death. But in this case the body was buried before Post - Mortem. The health department says that according to the instructions of the government, the dead body has been completely disinfected and buried. Health Minister of the state of Karnataka, B. Sriramulu said that the report of Coronavirus infection of this person who died has come positive. People who came in contact with them in the past are being searched for.
(All this information is till 12 March 2020, which is based on the information shown by various news agencies.)

All people are urged to follow the preventive measures as directed by the government and still there is any doubt of infection than go to the place directed by the government.


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