Here are the top tips to crack any interview:
1.    Conduct Research on the Company.
2.    Review Common Interview Questions and Prepare Responses.
3.    Dress for Success.
4.    Arrive on Time for the Interviews and Prepared for Success.
5.    Make Good First Impressions – to Everyone You Encounter.
6.    Be Authentic, Upbeat, Focused, Confident, Candid, and Concise.
7.    Remember Body Language, Avoiding Bad Habits.
8.    Ask Insightful Questions.
9.    Sell Yourself Throughout and the Close Deal.
10. Thank Interviewers in Person, by Email, and Postal Mail.
1.    During interview, turn off your phone.
2.    Customize your resume.
3.    Connect with people.
4.    Wait until are offered a chair before sitting. Sit upright and always look alert and interested.
5.    Be a good listener as well as a good talker. Smile!
6.    Maintain eye contact.
7.    Don’t answer questions with a simple yes or no. Make answer with Context, Action, Result wherever possible. Share things about yourself relating to the position.


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