The World Health Organization has now declared Coronavirus a Pandemic. Before now the WHO did not call it a Pandemic. Pandemic is called a disease that is spreading rapidly in different parts of the world at the same time. The President of the World Health Organization said that now we are using the word Pandemic for Corona, because the situation is worrisome due to the virus.
Now I tell you what is the difference between Pandemic and Epidemic? Both Pandemic and Epidemic mean Mahamari. Now it can be said that why two words are used for the same thing. So the answer is that there is a border between them. When a disease will be pandemic and when it will be epidemic, it determines the boundaries of the country.

As long as a disease is confined to the border of a country or state or a region, it is called Epidemic. But when this disease spreads worldwide, then it is called Pandemic. Spanish Flu, which spread from 1918 to 1920, was declared as Pandemic, as it spread to many countries and affected many millions of people and millions of people died from it. Whereas Ebola was declared Epidemic in 2014. Because the disease was confined to a few countries in Liberia and West Africa.
The disease is declared as a Pandemic, this means that this disease will spread among people from each other. This is a kind of alert for the government. So now what is to be kept in mind in its announcement? Depending on the number of deaths caused by a disease or the number of countries affected, the disease is declared as Pandemic.

SARS Coronavirus was revealed in the year 2003. About 26 countries were affected by it, despite this, SARS Coronavirus was not declared as Pandemic. WHO has to take the decision to declare a disease as a Pandemic.
First of all, it is to be kept in mind that declaring a disease as Pandemic creates an atmosphere of fear in the whole world. After declaring Pandemic, the first fear is that people start fleeing due to this fear. Pandemic spreads only through infection, so it is also important to keep in mind that people do not travel around fearfully.
The same happened after Swine Flu was declared as Pandemic in 2009. Then more than 2 lakh people died due to this. The most feared to be Pandemic is when the virus is completely new. Easily getting infected in people and spreading among people. All these properties are present in Corona and this disease fits perfectly on this scale. There is no cure or vaccine for Corona virus yet. Stopping the spread of virus is considered to be the most important.

Now you will wonder, why it was not initially declared as Pandemic? At the end of February Dr. Tedros said that "Coronavirus has the potential to become Pandemic, but it is not yet Pandemic, because we are not seeing its worldwide uncontrolled expansion." Now the number of countries where coronavirus infected cases are coming up has increased. According to the latest data, more than one lakh cases have been seen in 120 countries of the world.

However, giving the virus declared as pandemic will not affect the way in which the virus is spreading. WHO feels that after being declared Pandemic, countries will become more serious and cautious about it. Dr. Tedros said that some countries are struggling with lack of capacity, some are facing lack of resources, and some countries are facing lack of willpower. WHO wants all countries to take rescue measures. Emergency response mechanism should be implemented and its capacity should be increased. People should be told about its danger and rescue. Find, treat and identify every case of coronavirus infection.

Although the virus has been declared Pandemic, but it will not affect the functioning of the government. It is important for us to know the ways to prevent this virus, apply it to ourselves and motivate others to adopt preventive measures.



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